Life is busy, and mornings can be particularly crazy, but this time is really important as it sets you up for the day. Building a few simple habits into your morning can really make the rest of the day so much easier and leave you well prepared to tackle whatever life throws at you.
Step 1 - hydrate
Hydration is so important to how we feel. Our bodies are made up of roughly 60% water and even small fluctuations in our hydration levels can have a big impact on our physical and mental health. We would be unlikely to survive more than a week without it and even small fluctuations in our hydration levels can have a big impact on our physical and mental health.
Under normal conditions, the clever machinery that makes up our bodies is pretty good at balancing our hydration levels. However, as with most things, modern life causes a big disruption to our natural mechanisms of balancing our bodies. Caffeine dehydrates us, salt is added to a lot of foods in quantities that our bodies are not able to cope with and don’t even get me started on alcohol! There is also the fact that sometimes we find ourselves just too busy to get a drink (or take that trip to the toilet) so we just soldier on and wonder why we run out of steam (literally) after a few hours. So every morning, before the madness of the day begins, hydrate.

Step Two – Move
Nothing makes you feel more alive than a run first thing in the morning before the rest of the world is awake. Except perhaps a wild swim (I haven’t tried this but let me know if you agree). However, this isn’t always possible, in fact it rarely is for most people. A quick stretch is achievable and can have enormous benefits. Work from head to toe stretching each body part in all the ways that it can move, tilt your head, rotate your arms, wiggle your hips then stretch down to touch your toes (or as close as you can). You don’t have to change into lycra, just spend 10 minutes or so getting the blood flowing. Wake up and shake up. Break into a little dance if you fancy it – nobody is watching!

Step 3 – Plan
I love to plan. I’m a planning addict and I love to write lists and keep journals and I find the morning is a good time to do this. Even if you do not really get a thrill from planning, you will benefit from spending a few minutes in the morning thinking about the day and what lies ahead. It doesn’t have to take long to look at your calendar and remind yourself of the days essential tasks, then factor some time for self care, working on your goals or fun. Start the day with a goal to bring you closer to your dream life.

Step 4 – Get outdoors.
Natural light is a mood enhancer, as exposure to sunlight increases the release of serotonin in your brain, which can help improve your mood and make you feel calm and focused. It’s like nature’s way of giving you a little happiness boost to start your day. It has other health benefits too. Our bodies have an internal clock known as the circadian rhythm, which regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Morning sunlight helps reset this clock, making it easier to wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night. This can lead to better sleep quality and overall health. As sunlight is a primary source of vitamin D you may also give your body a little boost of this much needed vitamin.

Step 5 – Prepare a healthy breakfast
Even if you don’t like to eat first thing in the morning, when you do break your overnight fast make sure you choose something that provides essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins and minerals. Choosing unprocessed, whole foods is the best way to provide your body with the energy it needs for better cognitive function and memory. Even if you don’t intend to eat until later in the day it will set you on the right track if you prepare something healthy to kickstart your metabolism, boost your energy levels and support you through your day.